Ways to get rid of cellulite and obesity


Are you upset because of cellulite?

Let's just get rid of it, getting rid of cellulite is not such a difficult task as it seems at first glance. First, let's find out what kind of "beast" it is.

Cellulite is the ability of adipose tissue to hold back liquid, which leads to edema, which causes the appearance of dense collagen fibers that impede blood circulation.

The reasons for this undesirable phenomenon can be different, and the effectiveness of its treatment depends, of course, on these reasons. Cellulite appears on the thighs, buttocks, sides, stomach, and sometimes on the hands. Surfaces affected by cellulite acquire the appearance of "orange peel", as the tissue loses its smoothness, becomes uneven and not very beautiful.

It's interesting, why men don't have cellulite?

The fact is that the structure of the fat layer in women is different from that of men, but men also have their own problem areas and they often do such a procedure as liposuction of the withers on the neck. Fat deposits in women occur mainly in the lower parts of the body. A decrease in tone and turgor of the skin caused by improper diets, in which the skin is noticeably deformed, affects the process of formation of a "crust".

Getting rid of cellulite simply by shedding pounds is practically impossible. Cellulite is not a manifestation of obesity, it is a special type of tissue (reminiscent of gelatin in consistency) that consists of water, fat and the remains of toxins in the body. These elements are enclosed in immovable layers under the skin and act like a sponge, absorbing a large amount of water, swelling and forming characteristic irregularities on the surface of the skin.

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Anti-cellulite products

The list of anti-cellulite remedies is growing every day, as is the number of ways to combat it: gymnastics, lymphatic drainage, various types of massage, laser therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, cellulolipolysis, liposuction, body wraps, etc. And if you are not yet ready to resort to professional and effective services of laser therapy from Diamond Laser and liposuction, let's get rid of cellulite with our own, affordable methods.

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The method of elimination at home

Clay applications

A rejuvenating course of clay applications will help against cellulite (clay of any color is suitable). Dilute the clay powder with water and prepare a dense cake approximately 2 cm thick. The size of the cake should be slightly larger than the place you want to clean. Apply the cake directly to wet skin, cover with a cloth, and then with wool.

The application should fit well to the body. Only then, it will remove all toxins from the body that prevent your body from being young and healthy. Get into bed, cover yourself with a blanket and rest. The application is applied for 2-3 hours, depending on the severity of the damage to the body. Dry application must be replaced with fresh, wet clay.

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Applications can be applied to the stomach and chest no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. After the procedure, wash the treatment area with warm water, do not leave clay residues on the skin. Throw away the used clay, it contains a lot of toxins.

To this we will also add a daily shower and bath, preferably with the use of algae. Every day, it is necessary to massage places with the formation of cellulite: massage stimulates subcutaneous blood circulation, restores skin elasticity.

If you use these methods, I assure you, cellulite will disappear.