Deprivation of parental rights in Ukraine


Deprivation of the father's (mother's) parental rights is an extreme measure to prevent the harmful influence of their parents on the mental and physical health of children. Some do not understand the depth of responsibility that falls on their shoulders when a baby appears. Therefore, such situations arise when it is the mother or father who represents a direct or indirect threat to their children.

Reasons for termination of parental rights

This family conflict can only be resolved in court. In order to initiate a case, the applicant must draw up and submit a claim to the office together with a package of required documents, petitions, etc. It should be remembered that the family dispute in question is quite delicate, and therefore it is necessary to provide weighty facts and arguments proving the guilt of the parents. But even with indisputable evidence, you should not expect a quick decision.

The state has established clear positions in which cases parents can be deprived of parental rights:

  • the child is left in the maternity or pediatric department, in other health care facilities for six months or more without showing parental care and without the presence of relevant reasons;
  • intentional and conscious non-fulfillment of one's duties in the matters of raising and developing children;
  • their presence of alcohol or drug addiction;
  • cruel methods of upbringing (physical or mental effects that humiliate the dignity of a minor);
  • any kind of heavy child labor or other exploitation.
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Another reason for deprivation of parental rights - illegal actions committed against a daughter or son by any of the parents. These points apply only to those who committed the above knowingly. Those who are mentally ill or those who have serious circumstances that do not allow them to fulfill their direct responsibilities as a parent do not fall under these points.

Do you need professional help?

When faced with the need to carry out such a procedure, be prepared for the fact that you will need a lawyer. Similar family conflicts have a lot of subtleties and require deep knowledge in jurisprudence. The specialist will help:

  • understand your and your child's rights and freedoms;
  • collect basic and additional documents for termination of parental rights;
  • prepare evidence, witnesses, etc.
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In addition, the lawyer will ensure the protection of the client's interests.