Water is the elixir of life


Water makes up 45-65% of body weight. In newborns, this value reaches 76% and gradually decreases with age. Lack of water leads to serious disorders in the functioning of the body up to the onset of death.

Water is the elixir of life and youth. Its gradual loss is one of the main signs of aging.

Water is the main component of living cells. Each cell needs water and cannot function without it. The water content fluctuates in various tissues. Both a deficit and an excess of water can have harmful consequences. But most often we are dealing with a lack of water. A lack of water also has more serious consequences than an excess. The excretory system removes all excess water from the body. Only patients with kidney failure should adhere to restrictions in water consumption. Lack of water causes turgor - tension in the cells. This is quite obvious in the case of skin which, under the influence of water loss, becomes sluggish and loses its elasticity. Penetration of water into the cell occurs along the concentration gradient.

This means that the less water there is in the cell, the more it tries to get it from the environment. So hurry up order water at eden.com.ua.
Water balance in the human body. The balance between intake and loss is crucial for maintaining the required amount of water in the body. Receipt: 1. The liquid we drink is 1200 ml/24 h. 2. Water contained in solid food is 900 ml/24 h. 3. Metabolic water – as a result of chemical processes – 300 ml/24 h. Total: 2400 ml/24 h Loss: 1. Urine – 1400 ml/24 h. 2. Excretion with breath – 800 ml/24 h. 3. Evaporation from the skin surface – 300 ml/24 h. 4. Feces – 100 ml/24 h. Total: 2400 ml/24 h This ratio is true when staying in a neutral temperature environment and consuming an average amount of food or liquid. Loss of water through the skin and lungs, evaporation, is inevitable and occurs even in conditions of high dehydration. The higher the ambient temperature, the greater the water loss. This is due to the fact that as the temperature rises, the body increases evaporation. An increase in body temperature by 1°C above 37°C leads to an increase in water loss from the lungs and skin by 500 ml. In addition to ambient temperature, the type of food plays an important role in determining water requirements. During combustion, metabolic water is produced from food - most of it from the burning of fats and proteins. The problem is that the amount of water obtained as a result of burning a certain amount of protein is not enough to expel the corresponding amount of nitrogen compounds.

That's why people who eat foods rich in protein consume more water. The minimum daily water requirement for an adult is 1 liters. The need to maintain water balance is determined by the thirst center, which is "integrated" into our nervous system. Drinking water leads to "turning off" the desired center. This process does not occur immediately, but after the first sip. Absorption of water from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into blood vessels takes time. The first stage is called saturation and is the result of stimulation of specific receptors in the gastrointestinal tract. The second stage of saturation - long-term saturation - is associated with the "switching off" of the center, which receives information about the achieved water balance from the corresponding receptors. Satiety is maintained in the long term due to the restoration of the correct volume of water in the body, which is necessary to achieve the correct blood volume index and, thus, is necessary to fill blood vessels and obtain normal blood pressure.

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What and how much to drink? The optimal choice is mineral water. But if you don't like mineral water, it can be replaced with other drinks, depending on your preference. The selection is huge, starting with tea, compote, juice, drinks, and ending with soups. As for the temperature of drinks, cold liquid should be drunk in small sips.

This is necessary in order to gradually, and not sharply, change the temperature of our body.

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Remember that drinks with caffeine and alcohol satisfy the need for water much less, and can even dehydrate the body.

What is there? Vegetables and fruits, especially those rich in water - watermelons, melons, strawberries and apples. Vegetables - cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, carrots - in various forms. The role of water in thermoregulation. For a healthy person, the threat of water loss is relevant at a high temperature of the environment or body. A person belongs to warm-blooded organisms, and, therefore, maintains a constant body temperature. An increase or decrease in body temperature causes compensatory mechanisms that strive to restore the disturbed balance. Thermoregulation, or the ability to maintain a constant body temperature, is very important for the functioning of the whole body, and it is precisely this problem that water solves.

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