Tkeycoin attracts the attention of investors from the East


Arab investors are interested in the possibility of profitable and long-term investments in Tkeycoin

Developers of an ambitious Russian blockchain project Tkeycoin continue to record the growth of his popularity in other countries. Yes, last week the mass media reported on the deal with Asia, and now the project has attracted increased interest from Arab investors. Representatives of the local cryptocurrency market do not doubt the ability of Tkeycoin to guarantee profitable investments for a long time.

As noted by the publication "NEWS", after the weekly video of the authoritative crypto-blogger Oussam B. about Tkeycoin (in which he gave a positive forecast for it), a serious increase in interest in this project from the countries of the Middle East was noted. Currently, the video has already received more than 170000 views from Arab countries.

It should be added that now the Middle East is showing an impressive growth in financial and "business" innovations. Local investors pay special attention to blockchain projects and cryptocurrencies from the Russian Federation.