How to increase store traffic


If you are a beginner businessman, attracting as many visitors as possible to your store (or any other organization) is a particularly urgent problem for you. It happens that the assortment is wide, the prices are acceptable, and the quality of the goods or services is more than up to par - and the clients still stay away. We bring to your attention budget funds that allow you to attract customers to your store.

Print business cards.

The first thing to pay attention to is its informativeness. The business card should contain the name, contact information, assortment, if desired, your full name, the organization's work schedule, and a map with instructions on how to get to you more conveniently.

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The second, but not the least important, is the design. It is better to entrust the development of the design to professionals, this will immediately increase the value of the business card in the eyes of clients. Start by handing out business cards to friends and acquaintances. Distribute to all acquaintances, relatives, people you meet in life. You can also agree with the second store to exchange business cards (if, of course, you are not competing).

Distribute the flyer. Print a large number of leaflets in with a description of the product and its photo. A good move is to make discount flyers, that is, in fact, the flyer will be a coupon for a 10-15% discount, which in the future can be exchanged for a discount in your store.

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Apply the logo to the asphalt. Contact any advertising agency that deals with outdoor advertising and order a service from them: cutting a plastic stencil with the name and logos of your store. Now you have a form with which you can advertise your store on the asphalt. As a rule, putting inscriptions on asphalt is not ordered in almost any city, but it is better to clarify this information in advance. Promote online. If you don't have the funds to create a high-quality website, start with free hosting. Give it some time and post information about products or services.

In order for the promotion to go more fruitfully, it is necessary to create store pages in social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. So you can communicate with the target audience directly: invite them to the store and to the website, answer their questions.

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If finances allow, order a couple of articles in the mass media. You can apply to both print and online publications, and then as many people as possible will find out about you.