How not to fall asleep while driving


According to statistics, every fourth car accident occurs because the driver is tired and, as a result, fell asleep. Every driver, be it a long-haul driver or just a person traveling long distances in a car, should know some rules and techniques so as not to fall asleep behind the wheel. After all, a long trip is a test even for an experienced driver.

What should be done before the trip

Experienced drivers say that the best way not to fall asleep on the road is to leave well-slept. Before a long trip, every driver should sleep at least eight hours. But all people are different and everyone will have their own number. You should not get behind the wheel if you feel tired, because the consequences may be terrible, and you may not tell anyone about the dream you will see.

In addition, before the trip, plan where you can stop to rest and refresh yourself. This should be done at least once every three hours. You need to rest for at least 20-30 minutes. It is absolutely necessary to get out of the car and warm up. Determine the places and times where this can be done and strictly follow the previously prepared schedule.

7 tips to avoid falling asleep while driving

There are many ways to stay coordinated and alert behind the wheel:

1. Conversations.

The most reliable and simple method to avoid falling asleep at the wheel is to take a travel companion. Nothing stimulates the brain like participating in an interesting conversation. In addition, your interlocutor will notice if you start yawning and picking your nose. But after all, you are the driver, and you should not get too carried away in the conversation.

2. Music.

If there is no possibility to take a fellow traveler, take your favorite music tracks, an audiobook or just listen on the road Russian Radio online, because that is where the most interesting programs are broadcast. The most important thing here is interest. It is not necessary to listen to something monotonous and uninteresting, it will have the opposite effect.

3. Caffeine.

Many drivers drink invigorating drinks containing caffeine: coffee, energy drinks, green tea. Caffeine is also sold in the pharmacy in the form of tablets, but it is worth keeping in mind that the constant use of caffeine reduces, and in the end completely removes its effect.

4. Exercise.

Light physical activity helps to disperse the blood and wake up the brain. If you feel yourself nodding, stop in a comfortable place and do a little warm-up in the fresh air: squat, jump, run, etc. After performing the warm-up, you will definitely feel energetic for some time.

5. Food.

Many truck drivers take small food with them on the road: seeds, candies, nuts. It has been proven that additional small tasks, such as constant chewing or clicking seeds, increase brain activity.

6. Electronics.

Nowadays, there are many gadgets that monitor the driver's condition. They can be attached to the ear or windshield and will wake you up with a sound, light or vibration if you tilt your head, yawn or start to close your eyes.

7. Lemon.

The smell of the peel of this fruit causes the hypothalamus to work - the area of ​​the brain responsible for concentration in difficult situations. Stock up on lemon in advance and smell it from time to time.