Healing properties of cedar for baths


The widespread use of cedar has been known since ancient times. Carpenters loved this material because it is easy to process, lasts a long time and is perfectly suited for various purposes. Including log cabins for baths made of cedar - a wonderful way to get a healing source of health at your disposal. The properties of this wood are so unique that no modern building materials of artificial origin can replace them. But more on that later. First of all, I would like to say that cedar wood has high aesthetics or simply beauty. The wood fibers are arranged in such a way that they create an incredible pattern. Appropriate processing gives cedar floors, walls, and shelves a magnificent look.

The wood is warm, beautiful. Perfectly suitable for the manufacture of cabinets, chests of drawers, wardrobes. The uniqueness of cedar furniture is that moths never live in it. The accumulated practical experience of working with cedar wood gives the right to say that it has high ecological, mechanical and aesthetic properties. Due to its chemical composition and structure, the wood is perfectly processed, polished and dried almost without cracks.

Log cabins for baths made of cedar are very warm and reliable, so they are often ordered here. The positive effect on health is determined by the chemical composition of the tree. Thanks to the heating and high humidity, a special air is formed in the cedar bath - a wonderful healer of the respiratory tract. Essential oils obtained from cedar resin have an excellent effect on the nervous system and respiratory organs, allow you to relax and gain energy and strength. In addition to the logs themselves, different utensils can be made from cedar: bowls, tubs, ladles, and barrels.

Cedar log cabins are resistant to temperature changes inside the bath, as well as climatic effects outside. Stone and concrete are almost 12 times inferior to cedar in their thermal insulation properties. This happens because the structure of the tree differs in capillarity.

It is a scientifically proven fact that putrefaction bacteria do not live on cedar. And the air, saturated with cedar scents, becomes healing.

In Soviet times, significant stocks of cedar trees were cut down. Currently, their number has been restored, but still, on an industrial scale, cedar is harvested in small batches. If you are lucky enough to get cedar for a bath, do not hesitate - choose the best!