Household causes of back pain

Practically every person today suffers from spine pain. For example, kyphosis, scoliosis. They are the most common. In the end back failure, a person can hardly move stably, and every action is accompanied by excruciating pain. In fact, the patient partially limits himself in some aspects of life. But few people guess that only the wrong way of life leads to such a sad outcome. Many people do not even notice how they purposefully spoil their body. It is very difficult to get rid of the consequences of this behavior afterwards. So what can cause similar ailments?

Bags Almost everyone carries bags with them. Their harm has long been proven by world scientists. Whether it is a bag on the shoulder or in the hand, the damage will be almost equal. With heavy and unbalanced loads on one part of the body, the spine gradually curves, forming irregularities and bad posture. Almost every day, millions of people spoil their bodies by carrying huge bags. They can easily be replaced with backpacks that have good orthopedic properties, they distribute the mass of the contents on both parts of the body. But if a person does not have the opportunity to refuse the above-mentioned containers for small things, then he needs to reduce the time of their use as much as possible.

Bad home environment. This clause does not mean conflicts and other psychological troubles occurring inside the apartment. The meaning lies in the correct arrangement of household and interior items. If the sink, kitchen set, computer table or other important items are located at a height that is insufficient for the tenant, then he will have to bend over all the time, thereby deforming the back. Also, one should not forget about cleaning, during which people cause colossal damage to their backs. Under no circumstances should you sacrifice comfort for the sake of beauty or modern trends.

Terrible place to sleep. The bed or sofa on which a person sleeps also affects the spine of a person. In general, the wrong mattresses bring discomfort to the back. The wrong posture in a dream also has a negative impact. You should not fall asleep standing on a flat surface, there should be a lot of space so that the body does not have to bend and squeeze. It will be especially useful to sleep without a pillow, so that the upper vertebrae are not injured.