Fat-burning soup that will help you lose weight quickly and boost your immunity: I cook it 3 times a week

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To lose weight, you need to eat more. Are you surprised? But it's true! Of course, you don't need to eat everything at once, but dishes that will help you achieve slimness. Even an ordinary soup can contribute to this.

Nutritionists shared a soup recipe that helps you lose weight

Do you want to lose extra pounds? Then try a special vegetable soup that really works and accelerates weight loss. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients and spices that help the body get rid of fat.

The basis of the soup should be celery and broccoli. It is not for nothing that nutritionists recommend adding them to the diet of everyone who dreams of a slim figure. What is special about them? Celery, for example, contains almost no calories, but it perfectly saturates the body, and broccoli triggers fat burning processes.

You need to add carrots and onions to them. They are important for supporting immunity and contain many vitamins that a person needs. But in order for all these vegetables not only to provide the body with nutrients, but also to work on burning fat, you need to choose the right spices for the soup.

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Nutritionists shared a soup recipe that helps you lose weight

The first assistant is turmeric. This spice speeds up metabolism, so it is also suitable for cereals. For example, turmeric will go very well with rice. Ginger will also come in handy. It adds a pleasant piquancy. But more importantly, ginger has a very good effect on digestion. That is, it speeds up, you get only what your body needs, and excess calories are not deposited on the sides and even vice versa.

When making soup, don't overcook the vegetables. They should be cooked, but still slightly crunchy. This will help them retain more vitamins. Cook over low heat, no more than medium. Because of the rapid boiling, there will be almost no vitamins left in the soup, even if the vegetables retain some of their crunch.

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As for the broth, it can be chicken or vegetable. If you want to reduce the calorie content as much as possible, then choose the second option. But chicken broth is tastier. And if you take fillet for it, the calorie content will almost not change. In addition, chicken fillet is useful for people who play sports.

Nutritionists shared a soup recipe that helps you lose weight

It is important to understand that soup alone is not enough for a complete diet. It should also include cereals and fresh vegetables, boiled eggs and healthy fruits, green tea, etc. But a sufficient amount of physical activity is also important. It is responsible for the greatest calorie expenditure during the day.

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