Old kitchen towels with yellow stains, victims of time and careless care, often just lie in the closet for years - it's too bad to throw them away, but you don't really want to use them. We suggest trying to revive them in the way our grandmothers used to.
Previously, experienced housewives often got rid of stains from old greasy towels using ordinary washing powder and silicate glue. As you know, there are several recipes - we offer you two time-tested methods.
Method one: soak, wait, wash
You need to pour three liters of water into a basin, add one tablespoon of powder and the same amount of silicate glue (you can usually buy it in almost any stationery store). It is recommended to mix until the solution becomes homogeneous. After that, you should soak the dirty towel for about 30 minutes - this time is more than enough to effectively affect the pollution.
Then you need to rinse the towel to get rid of all glue residues, and start washing at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. According to experts, using this simple method, you can easily deal with fresh stains.

Method two: boil and wash
This washing method is more time-consuming, but the results will, of course, be much better, as even the oldest greasy stains will be removed.
The composition of the solution is the same as in the previous method, but now you will need to boil it.
To boil laundry, use a metal basin, bucket, or large pot. The best option is a steamer - a large stainless steel or enameled pot.
The towels should first be soaked in the solution, then boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes. After that, the towels should be rinsed with clean water and washed in any way you normally would in a washing machine.