What foods can be dangerous to health in old age?
The human body changes over the years, and gastronomic habits should correspond to this. A conscious attitude to nutrition helps maintain health and improves the quality of life of older people, doctors said, Ukr.Media reports.
Experts advised people over 65 to include natural white meat, vegetable proteins - such as legumes - in their diet, to consume dairy products more often, especially sour-milk and hard cheese, and not to forget about whole-grain bread.
These products saturate the body with essential nutrients without causing negative effects, doctors emphasized.
Exclude from the diet or consume as rarely as possible processed meat products (sausages, sausages), red meat, spicy dishes and dishes with a lot of seasonings, fried and very salty.
All of this, according to doctors, is filled with a large number of additives, including various thickeners, flavor enhancers, preservatives, etc. They have a bad effect on human health, and in old age it is more difficult to cope with their effects, since the body becomes more susceptible to such substances with age.
Let us remind you that experts also note that after 60, metabolism slows down, so it is recommended to consume no more than 2100 kcal per day, and with physical activity - 2200 kcal. It is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day, distributing meals depending on calorie content - this helps to speed up metabolism and normalize blood sugar levels. Among other things, it is recommended to give preference to fish rather than meat, and in no case to overeat.