Every man wants to receive compliments. However, women often make gross mistakes that backfire. Psychologists will tell you why this happens.
Compliment for the sake of benefit
In other words, it's pure manipulation. If a woman compliments just to get something from a man, he'll figure it out sooner or later, no matter how gullible he is.
Women often compliment their man to cheer him up before asking him to go out with his girlfriends or to tell him about their mistake. This is a very common manipulation that many women use. Instead of flattering and pretending, it is better to ask your man directly, and if he responds positively to a request, then make a compliment. For example, if you want to go shopping with your girlfriend, you can calmly and directly ask your man to give you money for a dress. After he agrees, you can say something nice to him.
Compliment for no reason
The wording plays a big role here. A woman can compliment her companion or husband just like that, but it is important for him to know why he is called a good guy, the best, and so on. A man needs specifics. Just “you are my favorite and the best” will not inspire him.
You need to say, "I'm proud of you because you're very smart/you're a problem solver/you care about me/you're very interesting and fun/you have a great sense of humor." You need to tell him what exactly you're thanking him for.
Too bright and "unnatural" words
Many women think it's better to steal some beautiful words from a book or a movie or say something simple in very complex words. Men immediately see insincerity in this. They don't like it when a compliment is not from a pure heart. Yes, they also love with their ears, but not in the same way as women.
For a compliment to be normal and come from the heart, you need respect for your man, but even that is not enough. You need to wait for the right occasion and the moment when it is impossible not to express gratitude.
Too many or too few compliments
Someone tells a man every day that he is better, and someone does not say this. Here you can draw an analogy with a very tasty and expensive cookie. If you give it to a man once a week, it will be tasty for him every time. If you feed a man with it three times a day, then after three days he will be sick of it.
The same thing happens with female compliments. Even if they are constructed correctly, they should not be abused. Many women believe that the best compliment is criticism towards a man. This behavior begins in childhood, when parents criticize or scold the girl for everything, and take everything good for granted. The same behavior appears in the girl herself when she grows up.
Diminutive and affectionate compliments
Psychologists note that this can only scare a man away. Experts advise avoiding compliments like "You're smart to me," "My young man," "My bunny," "My handsome one," and so on.
It is most uncomfortable when such words are said in public. In this case, a man appears to others as a toddler, a little boy. It is better not to say this. At least, it is definitely better not to do this in the first days or weeks of dating. A normal man will definitely be repelled or alarmed by this.