How to make mashed potatoes much tastier: cooking tips

12.01.2025/22/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    553

Mashed potatoes have many fans. Tender and so tasty. It is delicious to serve with cutlets, chops, goulash, chicken, fish. With any additions, puree becomes a crown garnish. How to make it much tastier?


Let's give an example of preparing the perfect puree. Let's take 7 potatoes. Cut into several parts and cook. Add grated carrot and chopped onion to the pan. Cook for 20-25 minutes.

When everything becomes soft, turn off the fire. Until then, it is advisable to also fry chopped fresh parsley in oil. About 5 minutes.

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Drain the water from the vegetables and add 80-100 ml of 20% cream and fried parsley. Now turn everything into puree. It will be tender, fragrant and very tasty.