Opponents of thermal processing of products claim that this procedure kills useful and nutritious elements, so they eat vegetables raw, and soak cereals so as not to cook them.
But not every raw foodist knows that milk porridge can be prepared without cooking, and everyone will like it. Such porridge is prepared in 10 minutes, which allows you to save a lot of time and not stand by the stove.
For cooking you need:
- milk - 2,5 glasses;
- couscous - 1 cup;
- butter - 1 tbsp. L.;
- sugar - 3 teaspoons;
- salt - 1 pinch.
How to cook
Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then add salt and sugar to taste.
Quick porridge without cooking can be prepared from couscous, which does not need to be washed.
To prepare porridge, you need to follow the following ratio - 2,5 parts of milk to 1 part of groats.
Remove the boiling milk from the heat, pour over the couscous, stirring with a fork or whisk.
Add butter, mix and cover. Porridge will be ready in 7 minutes.
We mix the porridge and immediately serve it to the table for breakfast.
Bon appetit!