How to "save" salted meatballs

17.01.2025/23/35 XNUMX:XNUMX    344


At least once in her life, every housewife had to face the fact that the dish is oversalted, and culinary miscalculations need to be corrected. There are points that are easy to fix when it comes to pasta or rice. But what to do if the cutlets are oversalted. The problem is also solved quickly if you know simple tricks and know how to apply them in practice.

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A little boiled rice is added to salted minced meat, you can prepare meatballs. The rice that will be used in cutlets is not salted when cooking, it is prepared in the usual way.

If meatballs are not an option, then increase the amount of minced meat and mix with part of the salted meat. As an option, you can add potatoes, cabbage, bread to the minced meat.

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The products will not spoil the minced meat and will solve the problem.

Salted meatballs, which are already prepared, are approached in a different way.

Cutlets go to the pan, peeled potatoes, butter, a little water are added.

Greens are placed, seasonings and bay leaves are added to taste. Simmer for 2-5 minutes over low heat. Potatoes will absorb excess salt and give the dish a spicy taste.

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