Psychologists say that negative emotions cannot be suppressed all the time. Anger, resentment, sadness are important feelings that have the right to be expressed. But sometimes the nerves fail in time. In this case, the advice of scientists will help you calm down quickly.
1. Breathe deeply
This technique has been known to everyone for a long time. But for a long time, scientists did not understand why deep breathing works. Only in 2017, the study The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults was published in the journal Science, which put all the dots on the i.
Its authors, biochemists at the Stanford University School of Medicine, discovered a tiny cluster of neurons deep in the brain stem, which is thought to link the rate and depth of breathing and emotional state. The more active and shallow the breaths, the higher the level of excitement and nervousness. Conversely, the deeper we breathe, the more relaxed and calmer we feel.
However, experiments proving the connection between breathing and relaxation were conducted only on mice. But the researchers quite confidently extrapolate their results to humans.
2. Use blue light
Blue light helps people relax faster after psychosocial stress. This was discovered by Blue lighting accelerates post-stress relaxation: Scientists from the University of Granada.
Psychosocial stress, according to the formulation of the researchers themselves, is a short-term nervous shock that occurs during contact with other people. Simple examples: you had an argument with a friend, a fight with a colleague, you are nervous about a situation you cannot influence.
Inquisitive scientists arranged similar experiences for 12 volunteers aged 18 to 37 years, and then took the subjects to the so-called chromotherapy room. There was nothing in it that could help calm down - only LEDs emitting a standard white, then blue light.
It turned out that under blue light, the brain and heart activity of people returned to normal in an average of 1,1 minutes, and under white light - in 3,5. That is, three times faster!
By the way, in addition to lamps, screens of modern gadgets - computers, laptops, smartphones - emit blue light. Stress is the same case when even scientists recommend: stick to your favorite device for 10 minutes. This will help you relax.
3. Turn on music that has a calming effect on you
Weightless was recorded back in 2011. This happened at the request of scientists of the British Academy of Sound Therapy, who decided to experiment and create a song that can calm and even put you to sleep as quickly as possible.
The composition, a little over 8 minutes long, is saturated with various sound effects. The trick lies in the rhythm: the body adapts to it, the heart beats less often, breathing slows down.
The effect of the song was so impressive that Time magazine even included Weightless in the list of the 50 most significant inventions of the year.
To make the calming effect of Weightless more powerful, take care of your surroundings: put on headphones, take a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes.
4. Listen to the sounds of nature
A 2017 study by scientists from Brighton and Sussex Medical School found that when people listen to the sounds of nature, their stress levels are significantly reduced.
Researchers exposed volunteers to natural and artificial (man-made, social) noise. At the same time, an MRI scan of the participants' brains and heart rate control were performed. As it turned out, the activity of the brain depends on the sounds of nature.
5. Smell something pleasant
Although aromatherapy in general looks rather dubious from a scientific point of view, the effect of some essential oils on stress levels has been proven unequivocally and repeatedly.
The scents of lavender, rosemary, and ylang-ylang reduce blood pressure and heart rate, reduce anxiety and excitement.
Carry a small bottle of oil with you, the aroma of which seems most pleasant to you, and in stressful moments, lubricate your wrists with 1-2 drops. A couple of breaths - and it will be much easier to calm down.
6. Do something with maximum concentration
Wash the dishes. Sweep the floor. Lay out the papers. Clean the desktop on your computer or smartphone. The main thing is to try to concentrate on this lesson.
A 2015 study at the University of Florida found that focused activity is a very effective way to quickly reduce stress.
This happens because, by fully concentrating on some activity, we are distracted from negative experiences. The brain "switches" and reduces the production of stress hormones.
7. Distance yourself from yourself
Try to look at the situation from the side, as if all this is not happening to you. Imagine that the problems are not yours, but someone else's. The technique is elementary, but surprisingly effective: psychologists record a sharp decrease in the level of anxiety and stress and even recommend a similar approach in the fight against prolonged depression.