How quickly and effortlessly you can wash the seams of tiles on the floor

21.01.2025/06/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    621

Seams on floor tiles get dirty quite quickly. Most often, it is placed in the corridor, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on loggias or balconies, on verandas. Over time, the seams on the tile lose their appearance and become dirty.


The reason can be not only dirty soles of shoes (for example, in the corridor), but also the water with which you wash the floor. It is not crystal clear, and all the dirt that is in it and on the rag gets into all these seams on the tile. As a result, you don't like it and want to clean the tile seams to restore them to their original appearance. Let's share how to quickly clean the seams on the tiles. All you need for this is baking soda and water. Make a mushy mixture, spread it on all the floor joints and leave it for an hour. After that, rub it effortlessly with a brush and you will see that your tile looks like it did just after the repair.

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