To wash or not to wash? This question arises for all cooks, without exception, when preparing dishes that include mushrooms. There is still no consensus on this issue. Someone claims that washing is a mandatory condition for preparing mushrooms before cooking. Other housewives unanimously say that mushrooms will become watery after washing and lose their rich taste.
However, culinary experts agree on one point: it is still necessary to clean mushrooms of dirt.
Since the napkins used to wipe the champignons are the "enemies" of their washing, they are not the most effective means of combating pollution, advice from practical experience comes to the rescue.
If you sprinkle the mushrooms with flour and then wipe them with a paper towel or napkin, all the dirt stuck to the mushrooms will be removed along with the flour.
Another plus of this method: even if flour remains on the mushrooms, it will not affect their taste when fried.
Try to clean the mushrooms with flour and fry white mushrooms without worries!