You can speed up your metabolism (metabolism) with the help of products that we use every day.
In addition, it turned out that short-term fasting works. In general, American fitness trainer Theo Brenner-Roach identifies five main methods:
1. Spicy food can speed up metabolism thanks to a substance called capsaicin. At the same time, studies indicate that a dish of the degree of spiciness that you can tolerate will help burn only 10 additional calories per meal.
2. Drinking green tea will also contribute to this process. It can increase the metabolic rate by 4%.
3. Cold water can temporarily boost your metabolism through an effect known as “water-induced thermogenesis.” Metabolism can be accelerated by 5-30% for 60-90 minutes.
4. Thermogenesis or non-training activity (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis or NEAT) is energy expenditure during everyday activities.
5. Short-term starvation (36-48 hours) can boost your metabolism by 3,6-10%.