One of the traditional ways to preserve apples for the winter, besides drying, jamming, and making compotes, is to soak them.
What varieties are best suited for this and can the dish be prepared in an ordinary apartment?
How to choose apples
Everything is simple here. These should be fresh, undamaged and spoiled fruits, preferably hand-picked. Light varieties or late and winter apples are best. These should be ripe and firm fruits. Summer ones are not suitable for this preparation.
Apple supplements
You can simply make a brine, you can add herbs, spices, mustard or honey, mountain ash, fruit leaves, cranberries or rose hips.
It is best to soak apples in wooden tubs, glass jars, or ceramic (enameled) dishes.
Stewed apples with honey and basil
For cooking you need:
- apples - 20 kg;
- water - 10 l;
- basil – 100 g;
- currant leaves (black) – 20 pcs.;
- honey – 500 g;
- salt (coarse) – 170 g;
- flour (rye) – 150 gr.
How to cook
Bring the water to a boil, let it cool to 40 degrees, add honey, flour, salt, mix and cool the brine.
Wash and sort the apples and leaves.
Place some currant leaves on the bottom of the soaking container, covering it completely.
Next, lay out the apples and basil alternately and in layers.
Cover with the remaining currant leaves on top, pour in brine, and place under pressure for 2 weeks in a room with a temperature of 14-16 degrees Celsius.
When ready, store in the refrigerator.