How to properly wash apples from wax and paraffin so that they can be eaten without harm to health

20.01.2025/22/03 XNUMX:XNUMX    556

Tricks in the kitchen.

Fruits sold in retail chains are often processed for long-term storage. But eating such "protection" is not necessary, informs Ukr.Media.

Producers often apply a thin layer of wax to apples to give them an attractive appearance and extend their shelf life.

However, it is impossible to wash off such plaque with ordinary tap water.

To remove it, first rinse the apples under the tap. Then place them in a baking soda solution.

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To prepare the solution, fill a container with warm water and add one tablespoon of the product. Mix well.

The apples should be left in the solution for 10 minutes.

After that, rub the fruit with a clean sponge and rinse thoroughly. Now the apples are ready to eat.

Is wax dangerous to health?

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It is important to note that wax does not pose a health hazard as it is non-toxic.

However, if apples are treated with paraffin, which is a processing product, there is a possibility of negative effects on the body.

Therefore, it is recommended to either use the cleaning method described above or remove the skin from the fruit.