How to properly fry fish so that there is no unpleasant smell in the kitchen

17.01.2025/23/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    248


When frying fish, there is always a problem of not the most pleasant smell, which quickly spreads through the kitchen area. Even the hood can not always help with this, especially if you fry a large portion of fish. Sometimes smells penetrate even into rooms, especially if your living room is connected to the kitchen. However, there is a simple trick, thanks to which you can protect yourself from the appearance of unpleasant aromas.

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What needs to be done for this

After you've marinated the fish and used the breading, it's time to peel the potatoes. One medium-sized tuber is quite enough for a portion of fish.

The root fruit must be cleaned and cut into four large pieces. We start frying them at the same time as the fish.

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Potatoes will "absorb" most of the unpleasant aromas, and even an old hood will cope with the remaining odors. If you try to use this method, then you will not need to ventilate the kitchen and use air cleaners.