How to prevent the appearance of mold in the home with the help of one tool

15.01.2025/22/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    242

Mold is the epicenter of the spread of toxins and allergens. They are dangerous for health. In particular, for the respiratory system. Getting rid of mold can be very difficult. You delete it, and it reappears again. The main reason is poor ventilation and high humidity. Read on for a way to fix the problem.

How to do it

Mold loves linen drawers, remote corners of the closet, window sills. To reduce the risk of its occurrence, an absorbent material is needed. And chalk is best suited for this. Even colored.

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It absorbs excess moisture well and creates bad conditions for the development of mold. Additionally, it is recommended to apply clove oil to pieces of chalk. It is a very strong antibacterial and antifungal agent.

The next plan of action comes out. Chalk absorbs moisture, and oil disinfects at the same time. In addition, you will like the aromatic effect. The method is simple and effective. And it smells much better after it than after processing with vinegar.

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