It's no secret that the easiest way to remove debris from carpeting is to use a vacuum cleaner. However, even the most reliable assistant can suddenly break down.
If your appliances have failed you and suddenly failed, alternative cleaning methods will help.
For example, you can use the so-called grandfather's method and include tools such as a broom and a dustpan in the collection.
True, if pile-free carpets and carpets with medium-high pile will sooner or later give way under your pressure, unfortunately, you will not be able to cope with fluffy coverings with a broom.
In this case, it wouldn't hurt to remember that it's winter outside and resort to the help of snow.
Take the carpet outside and lay it directly in the clean snow that has “fallen.” They are to rub the entire surface, not missing a single spot.
After that, hang the mat on a horizontal bar, which is probably in every yard, and beat it well so as not to bring snow home.
This way you can get rid of dust and debris and also "acquire" the smell of frosty freshness.