Social networks are real devourers of our time and attention.
What kind of work can we talk about when not all the photos have been liked and not all the funny videos have been watched?
But, unfortunately, important things don't happen by themselves, and you have to somehow cope with the desire to spend another hour on Instagram.
Here are some proven ways to do this.
Hide your phone
If you don't have any urgent need for your phone (you're not waiting for an important call or message), you can simply put it out of sight, literally. You can hide the device in a closet, put it under a pillow, in a desk drawer, or in your bag.
Make a schedule
Write a daily schedule for yourself and include time for social media, such as an hour in the morning or an hour in the evening. Sit down to watch the news feed only during these times, and devote the rest to other planned activities.
Limit your time
If your willpower is a little weak and you keep reaching for your phone, install apps that will limit your time on social media. Then you can work peacefully until the app unlocks your cherished apps.
Switch your attention to something useful.
We can’t stay focused all the time, and our attention is periodically scattered. It’s at such moments that we feel the urge to grab our smartphone and scroll through our news feed, or watch Instagram stories. As a result, you get stuck and have a hard time getting back to work. To prevent this from happening, switch your attention to something useful, such as physical activity: walk around the room, do a few squats, do the duck dance, or shake your abs. After an active warm-up, it will be easier for you to get back to work and you will be able to concentrate.
Uninstall apps
A fairly effective, albeit somewhat radical, way to stop being distracted by social media is to simply delete Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. from your smartphone and don't reinstall them until you've finished all the important things.