In the city of Shostka, in the Sumy region, local utility workers found a bag filled with euro banknotes. The workers couldn't believe their luck and thought it was souvenir money, so they threw it in the trash. The incident occurred on Thursday, January 16, in the central part of the city, write local publication Shostka Info.

As the publication's sources reported, soon the owner of the package, which contained 6 thousand euros, discovered its disappearance and began a search, turning to the cleaners for help.
The municipal service explained to the man that the garbage had already been taken to the landfill. When he arrived there, he began a thorough search and eventually found the lost package — all the money was in place.
At the celebration, a local resident not only thanked the utility workers, but also presented them with 1000 UAH each.
The police reported that they had not received any reports of the package containing 6 euros being missing.