Don't do this in the bathroom.
Many of us have certain bathroom rituals that we follow every day. However, some of these habits can lead to diseases, doctors say, Ukr.Media reports.
Reusing dirty towels
They can become a breeding ground for various bacteria and fungi due to their moist environment and contact with skin cells.
Flushing the toilet with the seat raised
Leaving the lid open can cause water droplets to fall onto the floor or other surfaces, potentially spreading dangerous pathogens.
Brushing your teeth only once a day
This contributes to the buildup of plaque, which can cause cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss them.
Drinking tap water
Bathroom faucets are not as clean as kitchen faucets and can harbor bacteria such as E. coli.
Using the phone in the toilet
Such devices can be contaminated with bacteria from the restroom, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin, and urinary tract infections.
Eating in the bathroom
Bathrooms are an ideal breeding ground for E. coli, salmonella, and various viruses.