In the English city of Banbury (Oxfordshire), unknown persons robbed a company that caters to outdoor events.
In addition to mobile public toilets, thieves stole chemicals, gasoline, and pipes for pumping feces from the premises of a company that provides services for outdoor events.

The total value of the stolen goods is £10.
The management of the company that was robbed, AndyLoos, and the local police are asking those who care to help find the thieves.
AndyLoos CEO Amy Philpot believes it was done by someone who knows the business well.
"Why would anyone choose a company that rents porta-potties when there are undoubtedly more valuable things to steal, but I suppose everyone can find a use for something, right?"
The thieves brought their own toilet trolley with them, so they were prepared for this "raid," Amy Philpott is convinced.