Three simple and proven ways to clean jewelry

19.01.2025/18/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    237

Your favorite jewelry brings you pleasure. Shiny, sparkling, and polished - that's exactly what they will be like if you clean them using one of the suggested methods.

Method No. 1

Squeeze a little toothpaste onto a brush and rub your rings and earrings. Rinse thoroughly with water so that the paste does not remain near the stones or in the recesses of the decor. You can even clean it with just your fingers with the paste. Dirt and plaque from the surface of the products quickly disappear.

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Method No. 2

Make a small container out of foil. Pour hot water into it and dissolve a tablespoon of washing powder. Place the jewelry in this solution for 1 minute. Rinse it well with clean water and air dry. Cleaning occurs due to the chemical reaction of ion exchange.

Method No. 3

Sparkling water can help restore the bright shine to gemstones in jewelry. Simply place them in a glass of water for a few hours.

Three ways to save you from having to go to a professional to polish your jewelry. Tools at hand will always help you restore the appearance of your favorite jewelry.

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