If dryness in the mouth is felt even when consuming enough water, it can be a symptom of such dangerous diseases as diabetes and thyrotoxicosis (thyroid gland pathology), as well as other disorders.
A feeling of dryness in the mouth that has become more frequent is a serious reason to check your health. In addition to the manifestation of thirst, dry mouth can also signal serious diseases.
In particular, the feeling of dryness in the mouth is associated with an increased level of glucose in the blood, which in turn can be caused by prediabetes and diabetes.
In addition, dry mouth can be a sign of disorders in the thyroid gland and specifically thyrotoxicosis, which occurs due to excessive production of thyroid hormones. Other symptoms of this disorder may be fine tremors of the fingers, excessive weight, rapid heartbeat. If you notice these symptoms, be sure to take tests for T3, T4 and TSH hormones.
An autonomic disorder of the nervous system is another possible cause of dry mouth. With this disorder, a person begins to experience many other unpleasant conditions: heart, headache and other pains, shortness of breath, high or low blood pressure, intolerance of stuffy rooms, weather sensitivity, panic attacks and depression may also occur.
Another possible cause of dry mouth is the development of an autoimmune disease. It can be rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other disorders in which the immune system begins to attack the cells of its own body.
Chronic diseases of the oral cavity, dental problems and stress can cause increased dryness.