You can consume about 200-300 ml of juice every day without harm to health - if it is freshly squeezed.
Juices are directly squeezed and reconstituted. Reconstituted ones occupy about 90% of the market, they are made from concentrated juices. In the process of preparation, the liquid evaporates from ordinary juice, the juice is transported to the bottling place and diluted with water, adding flavoring.
After the product has been restored, it is subjected to pasteurization, after which it is packaged in bags. After opening, the juice should be stored only in the refrigerator and used within 1-2 days.
The average sugar content in juices is 10-12%, so people who want to lose weight should avoid this drink.
Thanks to intrusive advertising, most people believe that juice is incredibly healthy. However, you need to remember that the carbohydrates contained in the juice are quickly absorbed into the blood, after which drowsiness sets in. If you drink the juice before going to bed, the excess carbohydrates are immediately deposited into fat. The juice also contains fructose, which can cause fatty liver.
Thus, it is better to consume juice in the first half of the day and treat it like a dessert, a treat.
Doctors remind that grapefruit juice cannot be combined with antibiotics and antifungal agents, as this can lead to a sharp increase in the concentration of the drug in the blood, up to a fatal outcome.