How many times a healthy person should get up to use the toilet at night - the doctors' answer

19.01.2025/14/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    379

A delicate question.

Modern people often sleep less than necessary, but the situation becomes even worse if you have to get up from time to time to relieve yourself, Ukr.Media reports.

But is it normal for a healthy person to go to the bathroom at night? Doctors are sure: it all depends on how old you are and how often your bladder bothers you during sleep.

Why is this happening?

Some causes of frequent trips to the bathroom are very easy to fix on your own. As doctors point out, sometimes it is enough to reduce the consumption of alcohol and other drinks in the evening and drink fewer caffeinated beverages during the day to solve the problem.

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By the way, some foods also work as diuretics - for example, cranberries, ginger, apples, persimmons, citrus fruits, mint, and chamomile.

If you are bothered by nighttime trips to the bathroom, try drinking your last glass of water earlier than usual — for example, at 20.00:22.00 PM instead of XNUMX:XNUMX PM.

However, if you are going to the bathroom too often, there is a chance that it is a manifestation of a disease - from a urinary tract infection to diabetes, hypertension, prostate cancer or heart disease.

Older people go to the toilet more often

According to experts, if you are under 60 years old, it is normal for you to go to the bathroom once a night.

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But for those over 70, it's perfectly normal to go to the bathroom twice a night. By the time you're 90, that number could increase to four times a night.

Why do we urinate more often as we age? The fact is that the body produces less antidiuretic hormone, which regulates the amount of water retained and helps prevent dehydration.

How to endure correctly

Each of us has encountered a delicate problem more than once: we desperately want to go to the toilet, our bladder is full, but there is no restroom nearby. How can we help ourselves endure it?

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As urologists note, it is important to avoid shaking and jerking. Active body movements will only increase your discomfort. Girls, however, can cross their legs.

Try to remove any pressure: unbutton your pants, loosen your belt.

It is not worth laughing with a full bladder; a laughing person cannot control urination.

If possible, try to warm up and keep your feet in a warm and dry place, as moisture and cold will only increase the urge. Also, try to avoid any thoughts about water and bodies of water and switch your attention to something else.