Fine of up to 10 hryvnias for a car not cleared of snow: who and where is it threatened

19.01.2025/20/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    203

In Ukraine, some drivers prefer not to clean the snow from their cars, except for the headlights and the driver's side windshield. They say it will melt on its own. In some countries, such behavior can result in a large fine.

The US state of Maine has a law that equates snow and ice accumulated on the body of a car to loose cargo. Accordingly, drivers are required to take all possible measures to clear the body.

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If a driver ignores these requirements and as a result damages someone else's property or injures someone, the driver faces a fine of $50 (about 2100 hryvnias). A repeated violation can cost the motorist $250 or 10 hryvnias.

It is worth noting that the state authorities made an exception for large-sized transport, as they concluded that clearing high tractors of snow and ice is not only too difficult, but also dangerous.

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