What can negatively affect the condition of the spine

19.01.2025/15/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    440

The way of life that a person leads is often the cause of problems with the health of the spine.

Statistically, every fourth adult able-bodied person complains of back pain. At the same time, experts state that the condition of the back and spine of modern people often suffers from the consequences of their habits.

Long trips in transport. Sitting and standing for long hours on a bus or in a car seat increases the risk of spinal injuries due to prolonged exposure to such a stressful position. If possible, part of the route should be covered on foot.

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Car seat. Sitting incorrectly in a car seat can also lead to muscle strain and back stiffness.

Sitting work. Sitting on a chair for a long time without periodic breaks for warm-ups can put a lot of strain on your back, neck, arms, and legs.

What happens to the back when sitting for a long time?

  • When a person sits for a long time, the main burden of weight is borne by the lumbar region - the weight is not distributed between the hips and legs, as is the case when we stand.
  • Increased pressure on the lower back and intervertebral discs of this department can lead to various problems - for example, contribute to the appearance of a hernia.
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Disturbed sleep. Another common cause of a bad spine is the lack of a comfortable place to sleep where the body can relax, rest and recharge during the night. It is important that the mattress and pillow are selected taking into account the individual parameters of the person.
