"juiciness" is one of the most important characteristics describing the quality of a white wine. If the meat pie turned out to be too dry, then the dish is considered unsuccessfully prepared. Many cooks have no doubt that the main secret of juicy belashes is the use of fat filling.
However, the pie can be made very soft and tender, even if only dry beef, not mixed with pork, is used as a meat component.
It is not necessary to increase the caloric content to give the dish juiciness. It is enough to add one unexpected and absolutely safe ingredient to the minced meat.
When the hostess has already prepared and kneaded the meat base, ice should be thrown into this component of the future blondies. In addition, it is desirable to use not whole, but crushed cubes of frozen water.
Ice should be placed in the minced meat so that the cold ingredient is completely inside. After achieving the desired result, the meat can be "dressed" in a dough shell.
Next, raw bilyashes are fried in the traditional way - in a pan or in a deep fryer. The result will be a dish from which juice will flow. At the same time, the fat content of the dish will be moderate: the calorie content will remain within reasonable limits.