You don't need to spend hours to prepare a delicious home-cooked meal. Cooking minced meatballs will take a minimum of time, and additional ingredients will make the taste more useful and interesting.
How to cook
Cut two chicken breasts into small cubes and mix with an egg, a tablespoon of corn starch, oatmeal and 50 ml of kefir.
After that, you need to move on to more original supplements. It is about spinach and flax seeds.
If every housewife knows about the benefits of spinach, then adding flax seeds to cutlets can be something unusual. The fact is that this product is very useful due to the high content of fatty acids that the human body needs.
But here it is important to observe the proportions. 50 g of spinach and just one tablespoon of seeds will be enough for two chicken breasts.
Then all components should be thoroughly mixed and cutlets should be formed.
The dish should be fried in a pan preheated with oil.