The "secret" of cooking crumbly white rice

19.01.2025/15/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    249

Rice is considered a universal side dish because its taste goes well with any other food. But not all housewives know how to cook it correctly.

If the technology is violated or due to an incorrect calculation of water proportions, the result can be somewhat disappointing. But there are a couple of tricks thanks to which the rice turns out to be white and crumbly. What do they consist of?

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Many housewives are used to the fact that milk is added to cereals only if we prepare sweet porridge. But a small amount of milk will not spoil a standard side dish.

On the contrary, the drink will help preserve the texture of the rice and give it a beautiful color.

In the process of cooking, it is worth pouring two large spoons of cold milk.

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Many have doubts about this trick, because vinegar has a specific aroma and taste. However, in a small amount, it does not have any negative effect on the dish.

On the contrary, the rice turns out incredibly crumbly, tasty and beautiful.

You will only need half a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. You can buy both a regular product and an apple product.

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