In the first years of a child's life, the authority of parents is unconditional and absolute. But as the child grows up, he learns self-care skills, educators and teachers appear in his life. He observes different models of behavior and relationships, tries to express his opinion. And parents have to make efforts to maintain authority.
How to always remain an authority for a child, said Karina Richtere - a psychologist, a specialist in child-parent relations, a graduate of the University of Milan Bicocca, a mother of 5 children, an adept of attachment theory, the founder of the online school "Mamazonka", which helps parents build warm relationships with their children and raise them without guilt.
Do you need to build partnerships with your child?
From modern parents, it is increasingly possible to hear the opinion that it is necessary to build partnership relations with the child: be interested in his opinion, learn about preferences, discuss, try to be a friend.
Such a partnership position can reach absurdity when adults discuss with a 3-year-old child what time he should go to bed or when he will eat candy. A child cannot yet understand many things. He is guided by momentary desires and is not able to understand that the routine of the day is necessary for his health, and sweets before lunch are harmful to the stomach.
When parents try to establish a partnership or friendship with their son or daughter, it indicates their desire to always be good. But such behavior does not make them authoritative. Adults become hostages of their position. The child grows up and feels permissive, and also does not know how to perceive the word "no" and other "difficulties" in life.
What does it mean to be an authority for a child?
An authority figure is a person who sets boundaries and rules of behavior. This is done out of love for the child and good motives. For example, forcing him to go to bed at 21.00 p.m., an adult realizes that during this period the human body produces certain hormones necessary for metabolism. If the baby will lie down whenever he wants, it will lead to imbalance in the body and diseases.
A child due to age is not able to understand these subtleties. The act of an adult, setting boundaries, at this moment causes resentment, indignation, which flows into a storm of emotions. The child may start a tantrum, cry, scream, even roll on the floor, insisting on his own, but the position of the parents should not change.
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The ability of dad or mom to find the inner strength to survive the child's emotions is the basis of authority. You can help the child to overcome the feelings that have overtaken him, to feel sorry, to feel sad, but the rules should not be broken.
Building boundaries makes parents less close people, but has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. He understands that the world does not revolve around him alone, and in life there are different situations to which one must be able to adapt. Growing up, the child has no illusions, becomes more flexible, copes with difficulties more easily.
The basis of authority is the inner confidence of parents that they are adults and therefore make decisions. They are not obliged to satisfy all the whims of their children. It is the internal support that makes it possible to experience the child's emotions and not try to indulge them in the desire to become a "good mother".
How to become an authority for a child?
To earn a child's authority, you don't have to do everything he wants or act like a best friend. But you should not intimidate or insult the baby so that he is afraid of you. Authority is built on trust, respect and emotional closeness.
Set reasonable rules and stick to them
If the family has a rule that children go to bed at 21.00 p.m., there should be no exceptions. Whims are not a reason to deviate from the regime. When a child goes to kindergarten, it is necessary to take him there every weekday, and not to focus on his wishes and mood. There may be several rules in the family - not too many, but the child must understand from an early age that the rules must be followed.
Keep your promises
When building boundaries, try to always keep your promises. Do not deceive the child: it will be difficult to regain the lost trust. This rule applies to both encouragement and punishment.
If you promised to go to the zoo, put things aside and definitely do it. When you ask your child to return at 20.00:XNUMX p.m. from a walk with friends, and say that if he is late, you will not allow him to use gadgets for a week - also keep your promise. Any deviation from your words will be seen as weakness and will not allow you to earn authority.
Protect the child
Don't let other people yell or scold your child, even if it's their fault. Stop pressuring and negative comments about him. At home alone, you can talk to him sternly, but you don't need to do it in front of everyone. The child should feel that you are on his side. And condemn the act, not the child.
Teach your child to admit his mistakes
You should not scold or punish the child for mistakes: he should realize them so as not to make them in the future. Let him apologize and, if possible, correct his actions. For example, if your son pulled a girl's hair at school, let him apologize to his classmate in private. Do not punish, but also do not let the situation take its course, so that the baby does not develop a feeling of permissiveness.
Give an example
Own example is the best way of education. When setting rules and family traditions, consider that you must follow them. If you want to instill a love for a healthy lifestyle, follow it yourself. Otherwise, the child will have questions about why adults can violate boundaries, but children cannot. If you systematically trick and deceive, you will not be able to achieve authority.
Answer the child's questions
If the baby asks about something, do not wave it off and do not refer to the fact that you are busy. Of course, parents don't have to know everything. But today we can use the Internet and easily find the information we need. When the child is interested in something, study the question and tell him about it. The ability to listen and encourage the child's curiosity increases the authority of parents.
Respect your child's needs
It is about needs, not desires. Be interested in hobbies, interests of your son or daughter. If a child wants to attend a drawing group and asks to buy him paints, this is not a whim, but a need for self-expression. But another candy or toy is a momentary desire that should not be satisfied unnecessarily.
In an effort to earn the authority of your child, be confident in your own position, do not violate the established boundaries and do not try to build partnership relations with the child. Feel inner confidence and act in a way that suggests common sense and love.