Wash before summer: the doctor explained how dangerous a dirty air conditioner is

20.01.2025/23/03 XNUMX:XNUMX    270


The air conditioner, which did not work all winter, accumulated not only dust and dirt, but also micro-mites, said the otolaryngologist, Vldyslav Zhukivets.

When the air conditioner is turned on in the summer, ticks fly around the apartment and enter the human body, causing a number of lung and ENT diseases.

"There are micro-mites that cannot be seen with the naked eye," says the expert. — These ticks tend to dry up and fall asleep. They do not die and do not perish. And as soon as there is a favorable environment for them, that is, a cool and humid environment, they immediately come to life when the air conditioner starts working. It blows everything into the room with a stream of air. The closer a person sits to the air conditioner, the worse it is."

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The doctor named chronic tonsillitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, an outbreak of bronchial asthma, tonsillopharyngitis, pharyngolaryngitis and prolonged rhinosinusitis among the diseases that can be provoked by micro-mites.

To avoid these problems, it is enough to clean the internal unit of the air conditioner in time.

"It is important to wash all the filters that can be removed from the air conditioner and spray them with water-based antiseptics," adds the otolaryngologist. - This is miramistin, chlorhexidine. This is quite enough. The microflora will die and will not pose a danger to the human body."

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