I chose the right soil conditioner and my plants became happy: 3 + 1 option of natural materials

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Can't find a good soil loosener? Gardeners explained which option is best for seedlings and houseplants. Few even experienced gardeners know about these rules.

Farmers suggested the best way to loosen the soil for plants

Loose soil helps plants grow better. It provides oxygen to the roots and allows excess water to drain. Therefore, planting seedlings or houseplants in ordinary soil is not worth it if you do not want to look at sluggish greenery that categorically refuses to grow. But which soil loosener is better to choose?

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Perlite is an ideal solution for those who overwater their plants. This material has a porous structure, so it easily absorbs excess moisture. And then it can evaporate it just as quickly. The roots of plants growing in soil loosened with perlite are almost not at risk of rotting, even if the owner overwaters a little.

Farmers suggested the best way to loosen the soil for plants

Vermiculite is almost the exact opposite of perlite in terms of properties. This material can absorb water 5 times its own weight. And the most important thing is that it does not give off moisture immediately, but gradually, as the plant needs it. Therefore, vermiculite is a great choice for forgetful owners and those who use peat tablets.

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Zeolite is another unique material. If you have ever read the composition of water filters, you may have noticed it among the components of these filters. And it is added to them because it can absorb heavy metals, radionuclides, etc. That is, zeolite is useful if you like to actively feed your plants. In this case, all excess nutrients will be absorbed, because after all, their excess will be almost as harmful as their deficiency.

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Farmers suggested the best way to loosen the soil for plants

But if you don’t have any of the materials described, can’t find them in garden stores, or are far away, you can use regular river sand. The main thing is to wash it well before using to remove clay and dirt. It is also advisable to disinfect it in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180°C.
