Doctors advise to reduce salt consumption, and not by chance. If you use a lot of salt, something irreparable will happen soon.
According to the therapist-nutritionist, less salt consumption improves both the appearance of a person and his state of health.
As the therapist said, salt affects the body so much that some do not even understand its harmfulness: firstly, this food additive dulls the sense of taste; secondly, it is necessary to carefully read what is written on the package when buying salt.
Many salt additives, according to the expert, contain the so-called anti-caking agent, which can harm human health. They cause allergies and lead to the accumulation of toxins.
Salt can also lead to an increase in blood pressure if it is consumed in large quantities. Accumulating on the walls of blood vessels, this substance provokes the appearance of peculiar spasms. This leads to hypertension, strokes and other diseases.
The doctor also said that the use of salt can retain fluid in the body, which leads to diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, causes a feeling of thirst, and also slows down the brain.