The signs of a malfunction of the human body are named

18.01.2025/22/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    480


Doctors named the signs of a malfunction of the human body, which warn of dangerous diseases. If these symptoms are present, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Numbness of the limbs, headache, speech disorder are dangerous signs. The listed symptoms appear during a stroke. Causeless fear, cold sweat, nausea and shortness of breath indicate a heart attack, and excessive sensitivity in the back of the legs indicates the formation of a blood clot in an artery.

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Blood in the urine signals problems with the kidneys, bladder or even oncology. Shortness of breath occurs with carbon monoxide poisoning and asthma, and the body does not have enough oxygen for proper work and as a result there is a threat to human life.

Doctors included constant negative thoughts in the list of dangerous signs that indicate a malfunction in the body. According to doctors, depression develops when there is a deficiency of chemicals produced by the brain.

Experts advise to go to the clinic for consultation and, if necessary, to be treated with medication if you are in a depressed mood.

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