Mustard holds a special place in many housewives' culinary experiments, as the product has a very specific taste.
Mustard also helps significantly improve the texture and flavor of meat dishes.
Some prepare it themselves, others buy the finished product in the store.
In any case, we store it the same way – in a glass container in the refrigerator. No special manipulations are recommended.
Why do chefs add lemon to mustard?
It is known that after you open a jar of mustard, the product partially loses its characteristics. The spicy notes disappear, which makes the sauce no longer so spicy.
An ordinary lemon can correct this deficiency.
Thanks to the citrus fruit, the sauce will remain impeccably spicy.
First, the lemon should be thoroughly washed under water. After that, cut a piece of lemon and send it to the jar with the mustard.
It is noteworthy that a slice of lemon does not give any extraneous flavors, so you can safely add it to mustard.