You have probably encountered the problem of the appearance of a not very pleasant smell in the refrigerator more than once. The aroma can appear both from spoiled products and from too fragrant dishes.
For example, if smoked fish or onions are stored in the refrigerator, this smell will remain inside even after the products disappear from the shelves. Many housewives know that you can get rid of an unpleasant smell by wiping the shelves and walls of the refrigerator with water and vinegar.
Despite the fact that this is a fairly effective method, it is no less energy-consuming - for this you will have to disconnect the household appliances from the network, remove all the contents, and after washing, do all these steps again.
There is an easier way to remove unwanted odors from the refrigerator, but it works just as well.
To do this, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water, mix the resulting mixture and put the container on the middle shelf of the refrigerator.
So you can easily get rid of the unpleasant smell that has settled in the refrigerator.