One of the most dangerous and aggressive types of cancer – melanoma – is usually disguised as ordinary birthmarks. The oncodermatologist talked about the signs that indicate that the mole should be shown to a specialist immediately.
The doctor recommended everyone to carefully monitor the condition of the body in order to notice the changes occurring in it in time. So, while washing in the shower, you should feel yourself, because such self-diagnosis allows you to determine the presence of tightness in the muscles or lymph nodes.
As for skin changes and the appearance of new moles, the doctor noted that such formations are more often benign than melanoma. But in the case of melanoma, it is very dangerous to miss its development at an early stage.
The doctor explained that as long as melanoma does not metastasize, it is completely curable. But when it metastasizes, it tends to develop very quickly, possessing a significant lethal potential.
"Melanoma grows rapidly, changing its contours and color. It may itch, bleed. The form in which melanoma has already become metastatic is most often fatal. Therefore, any person, having discovered a neoplasm on the surface of the skin, should ask himself the question: "How long have I had this?" - advised the oncodermatologist.
The doctor told by which signs it is possible to determine that a mole has become dangerous. According to the expert, concern should be caused by growth and changes in the condition of moles observed for a month or longer.
In addition, for the purpose of diagnosis, you can use the formula "a, b, c, d":
- A is asymmetry. For example, a round birthmark took a different shape;
- B is a border. The edge of the birthmark becomes uneven, ragged;
- C is color. A birthmark can become very dark, or lighten, turn pink or become unevenly colored;
- D - dynamics. Melanoma is characterized by very fast growth, in addition, it rises above the surface of the skin.