The narcologist told how to help yourself with alcohol poisoning

19.01.2025/09/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    611


The narcologist said that in case of alcohol poisoning, you need to make a solution that will help induce vomiting. The doctor does not advise taking sorbent drugs.

A narcologist shared a self-help recipe that may be useful for those who, for some reason, overindulged during an alcoholic feast.

The narcologist said that you need to drink 1,5 liters of warm water with a small amount of soda, salt and sugar, and induce vomiting. If the person's condition is bad, very difficult for him, you need to go to an ambulance.

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The specialist noted that it is necessary to distinguish between the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and the condition caused by intoxication after drinking surrogate drinks.

“In the latter case, nausea and vomiting occur, and with further use, abdominal pain, loose stools, cold sticky sweat, clouding of consciousness, a veil before the eyes, lethargy,” the doctor explained.

According to the expert, the most dangerous substitutes for alcohol are methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol. Already in the amount of 10 milliliters, these substances can cause toxic decompensation of internal organs and a fatal outcome.

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Many people in the circumstances of a hangover take activated carbon or other sorbents, but the doctor emphasizes: this is ineffective. Taking sorbents in such a situation is useless, since alcohol, especially a surrogate, is immediately absorbed into the walls of the stomach.