Salted caramel is a universal delicacy that has already been appreciated by many. It can be used as an additive, used for confectionery dishes and even sweet sandwiches.
You can't find this kind of high-quality delicacy on sale, but it's easy to make with your own hands.
Salted caramel recipe
- 200 gr. sugar (preferably from cane),
- 200 gr. butter,
- 100 gr. heavy cream,
- 1 Art. a spoonful of salt (sea salt is better).
1. We take a container without a non-stick coating, add sugar and start melting it to a thick brown mass, then add oil and bring it to a state of homogeneity.
2. Gradually start adding cream, very carefully. The mass should not boil, do not allow the formation of bubbles. We keep the mixture for sixty seconds and turn off the fire.
3. At the final stage, you can add salt. Its quantity varies according to taste. Before serving, the mixture should be cooled a little. It will become thick, viscous and pleasant to the taste. You can immediately put it in a storage container, because you can keep such a composition in the refrigerator for up to thirty days.
4. If the mass becomes very thick, it can be melted using a microwave. It is advisable to heat separate portions, and not all at once. Try such a dessert that will please even true gourmets.