On the night of January 16, a new inaugural portrait of Donald Trump was published in the United States of America. It was presented a few days before the inauguration for a second presidential term, but it is radically different from the past.
Yes, in the 2016 portrait, Trump is smiling and cheerful. At the same time, in 2024, after losing the 2020 election, and probably before understanding the challenges he faces, he is unsmiling and quite serious.

Some media outlets have already come out with headlines like "This will be difficult."

screenshot: skynews.com.au
Online users immediately began comparing Trump's portraits with movie characters, as such a striking difference has been noticed more than once.
For example, Trump was compared to an actor from the acclaimed series “The Squid Game.” Yes, the main character Song Ki-hoon participated in the game in the first season and in the second. And the second time he knew what awaited him, and did not smile in the photo.

Other users saw a resemblance to the character Genk from the TV series "Let's Go Shores".

photo from social media