One way or another, every person drinks sometimes in his life. Alcohol does not always show the best sides of a person, but it gives an opportunity to manifest his true inner self.
Some people do not even suspect that the conversations of drunk people, their philosophizing are not the result of drunk alcohol, but those sides of the personality that they hide in themselves. According to research, an inebriated person's personality is more believable. But not everyone is ready to agree with this.
Alcohol does not change people
According to research, alcoholic beverages do not have any effect on a person's personality.
In fact, even under the influence of alcohol, a person remains the same as he really is without drinking. Yes, it really is.
The observations speak for themselves
One and a half hundred students were interviewed at Purdue University and Missouri University. First, they were asked certain questions while they were sober, and then after they drank a certain amount of alcohol.
The volunteers were divided into two groups: the first group drank alcohol, after which they communicated with the sober half. At the end of the experiment, all people had to take a survey that would show how much the personality of drunk people had changed.
Thanks to this survey, scientists learned that mild alcohol intoxication slightly changes people's behavior. However, this was not noticed by sober friends.
A person really becomes more sociable
What exactly alcohol changes is that it makes a person more extroverted. Although the individual basically does not change: he adheres to the same views, his values remain unchanged, and his attitude towards society and those people who fill it, be it relatives, friends or just acquaintances, remains exactly the same. But at the same time, he becomes more sociable and open. In this regard, it is easier to trace the change of introverts - those people who, in a sober state, are closed and directed inward to their inner world, in contrast to extroverts.
But are these changes real or just an illusion?
In fact, all this is really a subjective illusion. No matter how many cocktails a person drinks, he remains himself, even if he thinks otherwise. Nothing can change personality. As for alcohol, it does not hide it, on the contrary, it exposes it.