7 psychological facts you didn't know about yourself

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For example, there are certain things that every person does on a subconscious level, but doesn't even notice them, considering them the norm. Therefore, everyone should know about 7 psychological facts that will surprise you.

"The blindness of inattention"

Most things that happen "under your nose" always go unnoticed. For example, if a person is busy with a certain task, they may not notice anything unusual, even if a real tiger appears next to them.

Psychologists have explained that when a person is fixated on a single task, everything else no longer matters to them.

You can only remember 3-4 blocks of information at a time.

Everyone has a situation in their life when they urgently need to absorb a large amount of different information. However, everyone should remember that they can only hold 3-4 blocks of information in their head at a time.

If you try to remember more, your brain will simply stop accepting it. That's why it's extremely important to structure the information and highlight the most important things.

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Red and blue are not perceived well together.

There is a rule in the interior that you can't combine red and blue together. The thing is that these colors are difficult to perceive visually, but only under one condition - they are next to each other.

If you are in a room with such wallpaper, irritation and eye fatigue quickly occur.

You can only watch carefully for 10 minutes.

Everyone could find themselves in a situation where they need to focus their attention on certain things or people. It feels like you can stare at one thing for hours if you really want to. In fact, the average person can stare at one point for no more than 10 minutes. After this period, attention decreases significantly, although many people don't even notice it.

We dream 30% of the time

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How often do you dream, make your own plans and wait for a miracle? 30% of the time a person is in their own dreams, losing touch with reality. This is a terrible trait of every person, because this time can be spent on more useful things.

It is important to learn to control your thoughts and direct them in a useful direction.

A habit takes 66 days to form

It is believed that it takes 21 days for a person to get rid of or acquire a certain habit.

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However, the emergence of a new habit is a longer period. In three weeks, you can only take certain things as a rule, and the body gets used to doing everything. A real habit does not appear so quickly, and this point should be clearly understood by everyone.

It is always the person who is to blame, not the circumstance.

When someone is late for a meeting or forgets to fulfill a request, for some reason everyone blames the person. Very often it turns out that the person was late because of traffic jams, or did not fulfill the request, helping other people, completely forgetting about their own thoughts.

First of all, it's worth figuring out who is really to blame. After all, it's situations that most often provoke problems.
